Todd LeCesne is the founder and owner of Althera Alternative Care. Todd is a Board-Certified Primary Care Physician Assistant with greater than 30 years of healthcare experience. A native New Mexican, he has been continually licensed to practice medicine in the state of New Mexico since 1996. Todd enjoys extensive experience in Orthopedic, Emergency and Urgent Care Medicine. Todd is loving husband, and proud father of three children. In his spare time he enjoys outdoor activities, soccer, camping, boating and four-wheeling.
Bachelor of Arts Biology, University of New Mexico
Graduate University of Utah Physician Assistant Program
Master of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS) Evidence Based Medicine, University of Utah School of Medicine
Master of Business Administration (MBA) University of New Mexico
Primary Care Medicine, 15 years
Corrections Medicine, 14 years
Academic Medicine University of New Mexico School of Medicine Faculty, 12 years